$9.00 / month with a 7-day free trial and a $1.00 sign-up fee
...or ElfTerm, run: elfbot env torbox USER= elfbot env torbox PASS= After running the above, your TorBox pod will restart. You'll notice a "TorBox" link on your apps dashboard. Use...
...ad-hoc streaming from TorBox, with content addition managed manually, or using DebridMediaManager. There's no automation to configure / babysit 🍼 - whatever's in your TorBox library is what's available to...
$9.00 / month with a 7-day free trial and a $1.00 sign-up fee
...TorBox mount to an existing stack, so that they can be used "alongside" a "primary" bundle How to setup Open ElfTerm, run: elfbot env torbox USER= elfbot env torbox PASS=...
$29.00 / month with a 7-day free trial and a $1.00 sign-up fee
This is a minimal, turn-key setup of the "Plex + plex_debrid" TorBox stack, which includes the minimum components to run an Infinite Streaming stack: 🚀 Unlimited[1] streaming, supporting up to...
$29.00 / month with a 7-day free trial and a $1.00 sign-up fee
This is a minimal, turn-key setup of the "Plex + Riven" TorBox stack, which includes the minimum components to run an Infinite Streaming stack: 🚀 Unlimited[1] streaming, supporting up to...
$29.00 / month with a 7-day free trial and a $1.00 sign-up fee
This is a minimal, turn-key setup of the "Plex + Riven" TorBox stack (but replacing Plex with Jellyfin), which includes the minimum components to run an Infinite Streaming stack: 🚀...