The following is inspired by the Jellyfin Forums' Piracy Policy, and applies to all ElfHosted community spaces (Discord, Reddit, etc)

ElfHosted aims to be an independent provider of infrastructure. We never store user media content, and any storage connected to a user's account is understood to be at their own initiative, at their own risk, and in compliance with local and international law.

  1. We do not care where your media comes from. This is our "golden rule". Don't be explicit about it; it's never relevant to the issue at hand, with the caveats below. For example, "Yea I got this movie form" is disallowed.
  2. Directly referencing or linking to piracy websites (including torrent sites, forums, etc.) is, of course, prohibited. Do not do it; this is very much on the far side of the line.
  3. Selling, trading, or otherwise providing access to your ElfHosted apps instance(s), in any form is prohibited. Instances of ElfHosted services that are available to the public, either openly or by invitation, containing media that the owner of the instance does not have legal permission to "distribute" or "perform" (as per local and international laws), are piracy and will not be supported here.
  4. Often, the format of the media can contain info that points towards a pirated source. This is fine as-is, but do not elaborate on it. For example, saying it's "a WEB video" is OK, but not any more than that. Saying it's "a WEB video ripped from Netflix" is not OK.
  5. Likewise, references, logs or screenshots of media with an identified, pirated source are not, and should be scrubbed from any community communications.