Black Friday is 10 days away, and we've been doing some housekeeping in order to get ready for a (hopeful) influx of fresh elflings..

🤩 Seeking your trusted reviews ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

We now have a TrustPilot page, to collect community feedback / reviews. If you're a happy elfie, please drop us a glowing review, and if you're not, reach out to me via email / Discord, and I'll do my best to reverse that!

🤯 Brainstorming deals

We'd like to come up with really enticing, fun offers for Black Friday, rather than just boring ol' "10% off storewide!".

  • What would you suggest?
  • What offers would enticed you?
  • Would you buy an ElfHosted giftcard for a friend?

Let me know via email, or join the #Black Friday 2024 thread in Discord and hit me up!

🛍️ Store improvements

We've enabled "express checkout" in the store, which is supposed to make the experience more frictionless, especially on mobile. What it's also done is to make PayPal fail on $0 free trials, and the expected Google/Apple Pay integration isn't currently working!

There are upstream support tickets in-flight for both issues, and so they should be sorted soon.

We're also tidying up some cosmetic aspects of the store, like the way some links are too big, or white text is hidden on a white background!

Once again, if you see something that's not right, or could be improved, don't be shy!