Arguably, Plex users get the most polished clients, including web stats via Tautulli, and the Plex Dash app from Plex Labs.

However, users may prefer Jellyfin to Plex for a number of reasons:

  1. More control over hardware transcoding (no PlexPass required)
  2. Preference for the UI
  3. Automated user management via Jellyfin Accounts

We've just added Jellystat to all Hobbit+ bundles, a geeky dashboard for all your Jellyfin stats, including:

  • Session Monitoring and logging
  • Statistics for all Libraries and Users
  • Watch History
  • User Overview and activity
  • Watch statisitcs
  • Backup and restore Data
  • Auto sync library items
  • Jellyfin Statistics Plugin Integration

If you're on a Hobbit+ bundle, Jellystat will roll out to your subscription in the next 24h, and very basic setup instructions (that's all it needs) are on the docs site

Here are some screenshots to whet your appetite: